Top Tips on Making the Switch to Solar Panel Systems

Solar panels, or photovoltaic systems, are becoming more accessible to the average homeowner. However, there are those who hesitate to make the switch simply because they’re unfamiliar with these sytems. Read on as the solar contractors at Ashmen Installations Inc. share some tips that can shed some light on how easy it is to switch to solar panel systems.

Ask Your Solar Contractor About Different Pricing Levels

Solar panel systems come in various sizes, which means there will be one that fits your budget. One of the best features of solar panel systems is that it doesn’t have to be your home’s one and only power source. A small solar system can offset a fraction of your energy consumption. The bigger the system you choose, the higher the savings will be. 

Familiarize Yourself With the Equipment

There are three areas to consider when choosing your solar panel equipment:

  1. Mounting — You may already have decided on where the solar panels should be mounted. You should anticipate the likelihood that it may not be the best place to do so. Solar companies like us will first survey your home and determine the best spot where it gets the most sunlight exposure.

  2. Solar Batteries — Contrary to popular belief, solar panels do not replace your connection to the electrical grid. If you wish to have continuous power in the event of a power outage, optional solar batteries can be installed at cost.

  3. Solar Micro-Inverters — A typical solar system has several panels connected to a single inverter, which then converts the direct current (DC) produced by the panels to usable alternating current (AC), which is then fed into the electrical service panel. Micro-inverters are smaller versions that optimize individual panels for maximum output. If your solar panels are mounted in a spot where it gets maximum sunlight, you probably won’t need micro-inverters at all.

Choose a Solar Panel System With Tracking Capabilities

Certain types of solar panel systems include digital readouts (similar to modern thermostats) that let you monitor the energy it generates. Some models also let you monitor energy consumption in comparison. These readouts can be helpful not just for diagnostic purposes, but also for keeping up with your net metering program.

Ashmen Installations Inc. is the area’s leading provider of solar panel installation services. Give us a call at (877) 274-6361 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.