House Wrap FAQs: What You Need to Know

Part of our job as one of the most trusted local solar contractors is installing radiant barriers, also known as house wraps, on the homes we work on. We’re not that surprised that not that many people know what they are, or what they’re used for. It is a little bit concerning, however, because some of these people actually need to get that material installed in their homes. In this post, Ashmen Installations shares some frequently asked questions about house wraps.

What Are They?

House wraps are basically barriers against moisture and drafts. They go underneath your siding and serve as semi-permeable shells that protect the interior of your home from any potential air or moisture leaks.

What Are They For?

As mentioned earlier, house wraps are designed to protect your home from moisture. They also protect your home from dust and air circulating outside the premises. Solar companies also use them as radiant barriers, that is, as protection against heat, although that depends greatly on the type of house wrap you have installed.

Does My Home Have Them?

If your home is old, then the likelihood that it has a house wrap is fairly low. This is because they didn’t use these materials back then. That said, some homes may have sheathing of sorts underneath the siding, but these are more of an exception than the norm.

Do I Have to Use Them?

There are two answers to this. First, you may be required to use specific types of house wraps depending on your area’s building codes. In cases like these, your contractor may tell you that you need to get this material installed.

On the other hand, if your location puts your home in the path of plenty of moisture or a lot of potential air leaks, then your contractor might suggest the installation of a specific type of house wrap to protect your home against these potential dangers.

At Ashmen Installations, Inc., we can help you decide if you need to get house wrap installed. We will also help you out with picking out the type of wrap you may need. We can also help you with other installation jobs, such as solar panel installation. Call us at (877) 274-6361 or fill out our contact form for a consultation