Common Winter Problems for Roofing Systems

You don’t have to be a pro roof installer to know that your roof is the first line of defense you have against the elements. However, you might not know exactly how these same elements affect your roof. While most roofing systems are designed to resist all kinds of weather, they can still encounter problems with the freezing temperatures that winter brings.

It’s important to understand how winter can cause problems in your roof so you can take measures to avoid them. Let our roofing experts at Ashmen Installations, Inc. show you a few ways to prepare your roofing system and your home for the colder days ahead.

Ice Dams

As your heating system gradually causes your roof to warm, any snow on the roof will melt and flow down into your gutters. If these gutters are clogged, the water remains on your roof and refreezes into ice, which then blocks more melted snow from flowing away from your roof. Homeowners and roofers call this phenomenon ice dams. Ice dams are one of the most common problems people face during winter and, if left unchecked, can cause massive water-damage on your roof.


Even without ice dams, snow can still pose some serious threats to your roof. Aside from water penetration problems caused by their melting, clearing away snow with the wrong tools can cause damage to your roof. Using a snow shovel improperly might crack or break some of the shingles and expose the vulnerable underlayment.


The winter season can also bring some heavy storms and high winds. Strong enough winds can lift individual shingles, leading to bends, cracks or complete breakage. Have a professional inspect your roof after severe storms to spot problematic areas and determine whether the damage can be addressed with some repairs or by a full roof replacement.

This winter, our roofing specialists at Ashmen Installation Inc. can help you keep your roofing system and your home safe from the cold. Call us today at (877) 274-6361 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation and get a free estimate on roof repairs, installation or replacement today.